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Despitse its study use as a case base reference, the SOAD building stands as a positive example of effectively utilizing expansive spaces in higher education structures. It captures a captivating interplay, showcasing various areas for social connection and interaction, particularly on the ground floor. This design is rooted in the traditional Thai vernacular style, with an abstract layout resembling a cluster of raised Thai houses around an inner courtyard. The ground floor offers a diverse range of activities, creating a lively ambiance for group work, study sessions, snacks, extracurricular activities, and relaxation. However, as one moves to the upper levels, a shift in narrative occurs. The building's design prioritizes functional efficiency, resulting in a lack of secluded study spaces due to safety concerns. While ensuring security, this approach limits the building's versatility. In summary, the SOAD building serves as an educational exemplar, demonstrating the synergy of expansive spaces for social cohesion and reflecting Thai architectural aesthetics. Balancing safety measures with innovative spatial design could unlock its full potential, promoting both collaborative engagement and focused study.

ventilation study

The SOAD building which, despite its narrow courtyard orientation, receives constant direct sunlight throughout the day in the adjacent hallways. This sustained exposure is a result of the high altitude of the tropical sun. Consequently, the hallways become unattractive for longer stays. Natural ventilation of the ground floor is extremely effective in this building and is facilitated by cross ventilation, inviting students to occupy these areas. However, during the rainy season these conditions can be affected by stronger winds and heavy rainfall. Vertical chimney ventilation in the courtyard proves to be less effective, as the open-topped design allows the sun to enter, impeding wind flow and restricting air exchange.